TubeMate YouTube Downloader

Privacy Policy

TubeMate does not collect any personal information, but shares location data and device identifier with third parties to power tailored ads and improve wireless network performance. Belows are the third parties. You can see their privacy policy if you click.

We’ve partnered with Opensignal to help improve the performance and reliability of this app and your wireless networks while respecting your privacy. Opensignal does not collect any information that directly identifies you or your device, and does not sell any personal data about you. Opensignal is the independent global standard for helping telecom ecosystem companies around the world better understand and improve network coverage to improve connectivity for all. Opensignal may collect data relating to the wireless network performance your device experiences, that may include the following types of personal information and/or personal data: Geolocation data, identifiers (e.g. network names, resettable IDs, BSSIDs, and other access point information), and app state. Opensignal uses this data to gather information on network experience and create aggregated reports and/or data solutions including anonymized location, for example by plotting network performance on a map to convey coverage. You can learn more about Opensignal's privacy policy here. You have the right to opt-out of data sharing with Opensignal at any time using the opt-out measures provided in your mobile application.

To help us improve our service we collect the following information on an anonymous basis: Operating System, BluetoothName, Carrier Code (Android only), Carrier Name, Sim Code, Charging Status, Device Model, Device Manufacturer, Country, Locale, Bundle ID, Date & time, SSID (network), BSSID (network), Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy (GPS), Scanned networks. In addition to helping us to measure the usage of our app this anonymous information is shared with third parties for their business purposes, including the creation of reports, market, scientific and statistical research and trend analysis. One of these third parties is Huq, data shared does not contain information from which users can be identified and we will not provide additional information to such third parties that enables such third parties to identify you. You can find a full description of Huq and what it does with the information collected via our app here.

When this app is in use (or running in the background) we collect and share with our business partners certain device and location data: Precise location data of the device, WiFi signals or Bluetooth Low Energy devices in your proximity, device-based advertising identifiers, app names and/or identifiers, and information about your mobile device such as type of device, operating system version and type, device settings, time zone, carrier, and IP address.


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